She has puppies that are now 6 weeks old and one of them appears to have a small patch of hair missing from it's head. The other two seem okay.
Can someone tell me what this could be?
I know that they should be taken to the vet but I don't have the funds to do this right now.What is causing the small patches of hair loss on my dog?
It sounds like your dog has the same thing my dog has. I just got into the vet and it is one of 2 different skin mites. A likely cause is scabies which is pretty common, depending on where you live. it's easy to treat but can be tough to diagnos because it can be hard to see them under a microscope, even for an experienced vet. we treated our dog with revolution and after 5-7 days will be able to tell whether or not it is in fact scabies. Scabies are contagious so you want address that right away, especially with the puppies at home. The other possible cause is demodectic mange. this is caused by skin mites that are normally found on dogs skin but have overmuliplied. My vet said that it can be slightly more common in labs (which my dog is). This is a much longer treatment process and from what I understand it is something you want to have overseen my a vet you trust since the typical protocol involves a medication that can be toxic to dogs. There is a test that can be done by scrapping the dogs cheek (inside) and sending off to a lab. from here it takes about 2 weeks to diagnos and can take about 8 weeks to treat. I would suggest that you start by taking your dog (and her new pup) to the vet to get a skin scraping first. That way the vet can take a look at it and advise you from there. I know you said funds were tight but if you can go soon you'll save yourself more money in the long run. You could check into something like Care Credit which is like a credit card for your vet bills. you can apply right online ( and use it immeadiately. they even have interest free options if you pay your minimum on time. I would also check your local shelters and animal hospitals for any special discounts or reduced fee services they might offer. good luck, hope she and her puppies do well.What is causing the small patches of hair loss on my dog?
It is possible that they have ring worm, wich is a skin fungus. It spreads very easily (to people too; so make sure you wash anything that comes into contact with them). However, there are so many things that can cause hairloss like this (Such as mange, insect bites, alergies, etc.) that there is no way for us to tell you what exactly it could be. Unfortunately, for something like this, to get a difinitive answer, it really is necissary for the dogs to be seen by a vet.
i would have them check as soon as you can.. the female does shed a lot of her hair after having the puppies. put if the puppies are haveing the same problem that is not good. check in your area and see if there is a animal sheltier that might help you
Dogs can easily get rabbit mite OR it could be mange; ringworm
it could be mange or it could be that your dog is allergic to fleas. this happened to my dog and the vet said that you can tell if there is a v shaped baldness on the back and or sides. my dog had to be put on steroids to stop the itching and she has to have frontline or advantix you can get this stuff from the vet for about $10 a tube or on
Are you feeding him pork? Does he have a serious flee problem? pork causes hair loss and flees make the dogs bite themselves , use ADVANTAGE if so
Take her to the vet, she may have mange, it is contagious.
your dog may have mange. there are two kinds of mange and one is contagious so one of the puppies may have gotten it. good luck!
If you do not have the money for a vet bill, see if there is a shelter that will provide veterinary services at low cost. Also, as soon as you do get some funds, I sincerely hope you will get your dog spayed. You are clearly in no financial position to care for additional pets at this time. For advice on your pet's skin issue, see the book below (likely available in your local library):
It is a fungus infection.
The vet will take a skin scraping to determine what type, or will just give you soe medication.
They need to go to the vet - it can get worse, spread to the pups and make them sick in other ways.
If you dont have the funds, you shouldnt have a dog, and definitely shouldnt have let her have puppies - the puppies also need to be vaccinated.
You need to take them all to the vet and look after them properly, or give them away to someone else who will.
It sounds like she may have red mange. You need to have a skin scraping made to see if this is the case. This is something momma dogs can get because they sometimes aren't in tiptop shape after puppies. Get the puppy checked also. I would really suspect this if the skin is somewhat gray. It is scaly sometimes, also. Regular mange medicine will not work on red mange. Red mange can get bad really quick and be fatal to dogs. It gets in the bloodstream. Mitaban dip is a preferred medicine if it is Red mange.
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