Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Is it true that exercising can treat hair loss?

Or at least prevent it?

PLUS, does it strengthen your weak immune system even though you are not good at exercising?

Thanks again.Is it true that exercising can treat hair loss?
Regular aerobic exercise can help keep androgen levels (particularly free testosterone levels) naturally lower while maintaining overall health, lowering stress and increasing SHBG .Stress reduction can be helpful in slowing hair loss.

So in summary, exercise will help lowering stress which in turn will help against losing your hair.

Hope it helps!Is it true that exercising can treat hair loss?
it definitely does not treat hair loss. To treat/prevent hair loss, you need to know why you are losing hair in the first place, e.g. oily scalp, etc.

If you are weak, then vigorous exercise would probably do damage instead of good. Gentle exercise, like walks or stretching or light weights can strengthen your body in general, but again, you need other support, such as good nutrition.

The good news is, if you exercise properly, you would probably become much better at exercising.
There are many forms of baldness, Which one are you interested in? I personally have male pattern baldness and the only things that could give me back some of the hair I had back in the days is a hair transplant, or I could use propecia or rogaine to keep the hair I still have.
I don't know about the hair thing, but I do know it strengthen's your immune system.
exercising does nothing to prevent hair loss

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