Monday, January 30, 2012

How can I deal with post partum hair loss?

I had a baby about two months ago, and ever since I gave birth, I have noticed a significant increase in the amount of hair I am losing. It has become a problem, because now I am very self conscious about it, and I feel like I need help on how to deal with the loss. I am wondering if anybody else has had similar experiences with post partum hair loss, and how did you cope with it? Do you have any advice for somebody who is dealing with this for the first time?How can I deal with post partum hair loss?
Post-partum hair loss is tough, but there are ways that you can begin to heal and feel better about yourself. I had a baby 5 years ago, and for the first couple months, I experienced heavy hair loss. After a few months of hair loss, it started to get better.

You may feel really self-conscious, but one good thing to keep in mind is that it will end, and you will get better. It's all about hormones, and while your levels are adjusting for your body, it's best to just keep your spirits as high as possible.

If you want to take some course of action, it may be a good idea to look into a post-partum vitamin or supplement that will help you.

Keep in mind if you plan on getting pregnant again is that there are things you can do while pregnant (or before pregnancy) that can help you prevent post-partum hair loss. You can avoid hair dyes and perming your hair, since those can weaken roots. You can eat foods that are beneficial for your hair.How can I deal with post partum hair loss?
Hello and congrats with your new baby!

I'm the mother of 3, the youngest just turned 18 months so I've had my hair loss problems...

It will go away on its own, my Dr said it was just all the hormone changes... this time going back to normal, the only thing you can do about it is to keep taking your prenatal vitamins and wait... I'm still dealing with it now...

You should not worry tho, if you remember your hair grew lots during pregnancy (at least most women do, and also grow lots of new hair) Good luck, n avoid using conditioner, it helps.
You will get over it in a few months. Rub oil into the scalp. Wring out a towel in hot water and wrap it on the head. Keep it on for 15 minutes. Shampoo and dry well. Check out for more info.

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