I think the best way is to show her that you care for her health ...for example tell her .... the last few month I noticed your hair is falling down..and i am worried about your health cause hair loss could indicate illnesses in the body like anemic....or hormone imbalance or so many other things why don't we go and see a skin Dr.....and he will tell us what to do?How do I get my girlfriend to do something about her hair loss?
its okay you're not that shallow :)
if she really loves you she won't take
it too personally when you buy her a wig
I don't mean to harp on you but if you like her and are in to her as you say it shouldn't matter if she has hair or not.
My wife had hair loss not long after we started dating. She was nearly bald her hair was so thin. It didn't bother me but it certainly bothered her. She was less confident and she always was doing things to try and cover her problem ie hairstyles, hats, and scarves. She would avoid pictures and if she was caught in a picture she would try and secretly destroy it if it showed too much of her scalp.
I used this as an opportunity to discuss doing something. I asked her about the things she was doing and if she wanted to try some of the products on the market to help. I made sure she understood It didn't matter to me either way I loved her.
A lot of hair loss in women is associated with stress. So try and do more things for her that remove any stress.
Stay possitive, it's not the end of the world. You've got a girlfriend who you like and who likes you back.
Good luck.
Edit: P.S. I would much rather be with a bald woman than one who is wearing a wig. It takes a strong woman though.
it is only in the way you deliver which is better when it's from the heart!
Hi. You could mix equal quantity of coconut oil and Castor oil apply it in you hair at night and wash it with baby shampoo in the morning. You can found the result in 7 days use this 3 time in a week. (Not any Side effect of it).I personally uses this that鈥檚 why I think that I shear it with you
Is hair loss something that runs in her family? Or is this from a medical conditon right now?...or is it something that is a sign for her to get herself examined? I would worry about why she is loosing her hair so rapidly. Defitanly bring it up..ask her how she is feeling, say you noticed her hair is thinning and you are concerned. There are some great wigs out now, you could offer to go with her and buy her a nice wig.
I agree with the person above me. Hopefully there will be something that will help,but if nothing works you are just going to have to accept it. If it bothers her you can always suggest going wig shopping with her. You can try to make something fun out of it,she could look like a different person with all different styles and colors. Good luck to you and especially your girl friend. I feel bad for her too.
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