Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What could be causing my very rapid hair loss?

I am 24yo, and within the last year I have been balding at an increasing rate, Im wondering if it could be health related, what could cause rapid hair loss.What could be causing my very rapid hair loss?
1. Stress is a huge reason for thinning hair. This can be your run of the mill stress from work/kids/school etc. It can also be stress from odd life situations. Long illnesses, surgery, and sudden life changes are a few examples. Sudden life changes like buying a home and getting married can cause an underlying stress.

2. Nutritional deficiency can cause your hair to thin. Your body needs the right balance of nutrients in order to keep running like the well oiled machine it is. If you start to neglect your diet you can see the results on your head as well as your waist. Eating pattern changes occur most when you are under stress, so this leads back to the first one.

3. Hormone imbalance is another leading cause. This could be due to sudden body chemistry changes. Pregnancy wreaks havoc on proper hormone balance. Most post pregnant mothers go through a temporary hair loss which corrects itself within a few months. Typically, if hormone imbalance is the cause the hair loss will be temporary.

4. Illnesses can cause tragic amounts of temporary hair loss. This one ties in with a few of the others. An illness can cause an imbalance of hormones which will lead to hair loss. Also, stress/depression can lead to an illness that will cause the lost hair. Any surgery can also cause hair loss due to an underlying bodily stress.

5. Androgenetic Alopecia is the most common cause of hair loss. This huge word is nothing more than the medical term for pattern baldness. This cause is genetic, but the old wives tales of skipping generations, etc don't apply well. Due to the genetics base of this, it is too difficult to tell when, who, and how fast this will take root.

So there you have the top five causes of hair loss.What could be causing my very rapid hair loss?
there are many things that can be causing hair loss but you can break them down into several categories.

1/ poor diet or a diet lacking in vitamins and proteins. Eating junk food, lacking vitamins such as biotin, or illness induced vitamin and protein shortage all fall into this category. this can easily be fixed by taking hair loss supplements and ensuring you eat plenty of vegetables and fruit.

2/ Stress induced hair loss. This is becoming increasingly common and can causes sudden and dramatic hair loss. taking action to reduce the stress will stp the hair loss and your hair will grow back.

3/ poor shampoo's with a bad pH and an excess of surfactants all contribute to hsir loss. changing your shampoo can g a long way to helping you.
Males, Females and children all can lose hair. There are many causes of hair loss.

- If you have been ill, had surgery, or childbirth several months ago this stress can increase hair loss.

-You need to consider having your blood tested for hormone and thyroid levels and also have doctor check for any infections.

-If you have had any new medications this may also affect hair loss.

- a diagnosis of Lupus or Diabetes may also be a factor.

Hair loss may be an early sign of any of these underlying problems so it is important to find the cause so that it can be treated.
Hair loss can vary from person to person, and in some cases it can be a sign of iron deficiency, and/or high stress levels. Are you experiencing any kind of stresses, either in your outside life or internally? Poor diet can also lead to hair loss. Have you been cutting corners on nutrition?

I know it can be scary to experience hair loss like this. While some loss is always normal, and seasonal shedding as your mom said is also normal, you know your body best. If something is not normal for *you* and how your body normally is, then there is reason to investigate. I would recommend scheduling an appointment with your physician. You can check out more infor at:>
Vitamin or mineral deficiency probably, you can probably get them checked locally. My chiropractor does allergy testing and vitamin/mineral testing.

Supplements Helpful with Hair Loss

There are supplements and vitamins that can help battle hair loss. Here is a list and what they do:

* Essential fatty acids such as flaxseed oil, primrose oil and salmon oil - improve hair texture and prevent dry brittle hair

* Vitamin B complex with Vitamin B3, B5, B6 - are important for the health and growth of hair

* Biotin - deficiencies have been linked to skin disorders and hair loss

* Inositol - vital for hair growth

* Methysulfonyl-Methane (MSM) - Aids with the manufacture of keratin, a protein that is the major component of hair

* Vitamin C with bioflavonoids - Aids in improving scalp circulation and helps with the antioxidant action in the hair follicles

* Vitamin E - Increases oxygen uptake, which improves circulation to the scalp and improves health and growth of hair

* Zinc - Stimulates hair growth by enhancing immune function

* Coenzyme Q10 - Improves scalp circulation and increases tissue oxygenation

* Kelp - Needed minerals for proper hair growth

* Copper - Works with zinc to aid in hair growth

* Grape seed extract - A powerful antioxidant to protect hair follicles from free radical damage
Hair loss is caused by many reasons such as malnutrition, illness, tension and other health problems.Perming, straightening, hair dyeing and bleaching ,hot combing, using heated rollers and hot wax inevitably damage the hair.Badly damaged hair breaks at the scalp. Check out for more info.
you may need some internal and external care.. for internal you better take zinc, iron tonics and for external you use some good coconut oil or better use coconut milk that has to be prepared in home.. better don't go for any oil outside...

If the above is not possible use Hair-o-max aurvedic oil.. thats come a good result.. i'm using this product for one year.. try these.. one of these will help you out

I've heard that hormone treatments can cause hair loss. I have a friend that went on Depo Provera and lost about 50% of her hair thickness in about 2 months. She starting taking vitamin B supplements and that really helped a lot.
I would get a blood count and a thyroid stimulating hormone level checked ASAP! Also, you may want to see a dermatologist to see if there is a treatment. Take care and hope you get better soon.
Put out the fire on your face. No, that was mean. I really have no idea, it just reminded me of the same thing that happened to my older brother at that age. It stopped on its own.
Get your thyroid checked out. Thyroid condition can make your hair fall out.

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