Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What are some ways to minimise postpartum hair loss?

My baby is 3 and a half months.What are some ways to minimise postpartum hair loss?
There is really nothing you can do. It actually does this because while you are pergnant, you dont lose the normal amount you usually would everyday. With the hormones and vitamins, it prevents the normal amount from falling out. So what you are actually losing is what you should have lost throughout your pregnancy. Thats why when your pregnant your hair feels really good, thicker and healthier.What are some ways to minimise postpartum hair loss?
My hair was falling out SOOOOOO bad after i had my daughter i thought i was going to be bald, ppl told me to take all types of vitamins which i never did i figured it would stop on its own. Then one day i got a hair cut just a trim for my layers and all of a sudden it stopped falling out. I dont know for sure if it is what helped but it stopped at the time a got it cut, so i guess you could try that.
my son is 2 and 3 months and my hair is still falling out. My hair has really thinned out since i had him, i got all thoes great hormones that made my hair grow and grow long and now they just keep falling out
There's not. Once you get to 3 months post partum, it just falls out like crazy. I guess the best thing to do is vacuum a lot, and brush your hair a lot(to help get it over with). I have a 7 month old and I think I finally stopped shedding about 3 or 4 weeks ago. Its frustrating, but it jsut means the last of your pregnancy hormones are petering out. Another idea is to cut your hair so at least the strands aren't as long. It won't make your hair look thinner, its just part of the process. I hope your baby is doing well!

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