Recently had a 3-4 month old puppy which spent lots of time with my friends dog (same age). My dog became ill starting with: eye infection, green gunk in eyes %26amp; hair loss around eyes, then became lethargic and lost her appetite.
At this point I took her to the animal doctor. After 3 days of injections she began frothing at the mouth. After 4 more days of intermitent, but increasingly common frothing bouts, i gave the dog to the animal doctor for 2 days observation. After this she determined the dog to be crazy %26amp; advised she be put down.
Unfortunately, testing for rabies wasn't an option. I'm not totally convinced that it was rabies: she wasn't aggresive till the fourth day of frothing %26amp; was still drinking small amounts of water till the end.
My friends dog which used to socialise with my dog is now showing similar symptoms with hair loss around the eyes %26amp; green gunk and mild lethargy. What to do?How to treat a dog with hair loss around the eyes and green gunk infection?
Sounds like everything you tried, failed.How to treat a dog with hair loss around the eyes and green gunk infection?
iduno it might might have a diesease called liconter
The food style of the dog must be changed. A guide to avoid hair loss-
I would try another vet. Not sure what this could be, but it has proved fatal before and probably will again unless the correct treatment is give,
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