Wednesday, January 25, 2012

How to stop breakage of hair or stop hair loss?

I straighthen my hair alot and leave it curly sometimes on the weekends.But i notice lately a little bit of my hair is falling out.Sometimes when i run my hand through my hair some hair falls off. And i notice when i were a ponytail with my hair straight some hair is left on the pony tail?

Am i losing my hair .

Im a bit too young to loose my hair.Or is it just breakage.Can somebody help.

Or at least tell me a good heatprotecter and anti breakage hair product.Or good working home remedies.How to stop breakage of hair or stop hair loss?
I would reccomend a good multi vitamin and Biotin...they both help with hair breakage. Oh, and condition, condition, condition! That helps too:)How to stop breakage of hair or stop hair loss?
Do you dye your hair? If you do, that can cause major breakage and hair loss if you do it often. Straightening your hair actually damages it as well, if you do it often. I have a few suggestions: Try Dove Intense Repair shampoo/conditioner, or Aussie Deeeep Conditioning Treatment. Those have worked well for me.
yeah, you are losing your hair. i am too, unfortnately.

its cause you straighten your hair alot .. its the same for me. and i used to have a really bad case of OCD , because i would constantly touch my hair .. i was actually pulling out strandss. ( the roots mostly. ) i dont do it as oftenn anymore. but i've noticed alot more bald spots than usual. if you find a good answerr. maybe you could tell me too! IM IN DESPERATE NEED , lool.
do you use any dandruff shampoo, or sometimes when you start to hit puberty you hair falls out
buy pantene ';beautiful lengths'; 2 in 1 shampoo and conditioner. its not too expensive and works great on me.
I do know that a conditioner with mint in it's ingredients helps a lot.

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