If anyone has any idea what could be causing this let me know.What are some causes of hair loss %26amp; weight gain?
Steroids! =(What are some causes of hair loss %26amp; weight gain?
The thyroid. I had mine radiated. I am fatter than a pig. I have to remove hair in the tub drain so that it will drain.
Maybe hyperthyroidism!! Check into it
You need to see a reproductive endocrinologist to get tested for PCOS - Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Your symptoms are textbook . I have it. It is the leading cause of Infertility in women and affects almost 10% of all women. Some symtoms are: Weight gain usually around your middle, Hair loss in places where you want it but hair growth in places you don't like your face. Acne, Irrecgular menstrual cycles, Insulin resistance etc.
are you on any kind of birth control? that can cause hair loss and weight gain.
STRESS,or if your taking dietary supplement could be a side effect
some medications can have this side effect, also vitamin deficiency , hormone imbalance just to name a few. Go to a doctor, he should be able to figure it out.
It could be malnutrition, stress, hormonal, endocrinal, or genetic. I would suggest speaking to your doctor about it.
The most common type of hair loss in women occurs in a diffuse pattern. Diffuse hair loss is most often hereditary, but it can also be caused by underlying medical conditions, medications, and other factors.
Common or ';hereditary'; baldness in women, also called female pattern alopecia, is genetic and can come either the mother鈥檚 or father鈥檚 side of the family. It is caused by the actions of two enzymes; aromatase (which is found predominantly in women) and 5-a reductase (which is found in both women and men).
might be PCOS
For this, I think you should visit a gynac because this condition is very common with women these days, specially when u mention weight and cycle, if u have pimple like boils on your face then I think you should visit a gynac. The sooner the better, this could be an ovarian condition if u are still not married and don't have babies.
HURRY!!!! Please don't ignore this. At-least, see the gynac why take a chance.
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