Wednesday, February 8, 2012

My cat has hair clumps & hair loss, is this a symptom of something wrong?

She has matted up clumps on her belly which also leaves a bald spot and has been loosing hair all over the place, although only bald spot is on her belly. She is a long haired cat, but having more hair loss than usual.My cat has hair clumps %26amp; hair loss, is this a symptom of something wrong?
Definately take her to the vet. this recently happened to my cat and he had a skin infection which needed to be drained. He is alright but he is medicated and has a temporary tube on his side to drain the puss. He also is wearing an e-collar to prevent himself from licking. Yours probably isn't as serious, but take her to the vet asap.My cat has hair clumps %26amp; hair loss, is this a symptom of something wrong?
Most of the time hair clumping is caused by not grooming enough. If you're not combing/brushing her enough, and her long hair is ';overwhelming'; her, she won't be able to keep it clean and straightened out. Then it gets matted, and the skin underneath gets irritated. She'll pull out her hair in clumps, since it's so matted she can't get to the irritation any other way. She could also have fleas under all of that matted hair....another irritant ( happened to my Himalayan, and there had been no ';visible'; sign of fleas! ). PLEASE take her to the vet ASAP, for a checkup (fleas) and to have her groomed. They may have to shave her, if she's too matted.....or at least to get the clumps of hair off. If she doesn't have fleas, and is just itching, they can give her a steroid shot for the itch and some meds to clear up any other problem. Hope this helps...Good luck!
yes, take her to the vet ASAP
Yes. Get to a vet. It could be something quite simple, but you should have her checked out. This is not normal.
you should take it to the vet thats very sad thought
she may be lonely. birds will pick out their feathers when they are lonely or sad, this may be happening with your cat. if you have a sibling (this happened to me) they might be eating the fur.
she may have flees i had the same problem with my cat get a wet piece of kitchen roll place it under your cat and comb the fur if you get spots of blood on the kitchen roll your cat has flees the specks of blood are out of the flees poo were it has been feeding of your cat

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