Wednesday, February 8, 2012

How do Testosterone levels (men) affect hair loss?

I also heard that sex play a role in hair loss for men.How do Testosterone levels (men) affect hair loss?
Testosterone affects DHT level...!How do Testosterone levels (men) affect hair loss?
Here are some common Myths you mite want to look over in answering you question...

Male hair loss occurs because of something know as Androgenetic Alopecia, also know as ';male pattern'; baldness. It is caused by the effects of the male hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Sometimes hair loss can begin fairly early in a young man's life, in his 20's. When this happens, a man's self confidence can be knocked substantially.

Here are the best common Myths...

Myth No 1. Hair loss only comes from the mother's side of the family. This means looking at the heads of your mum's uncle or dad and if they are baldies then chances are you will be too. The condition can actually be inherited from either parent, however the maternal side of the family does influence the condition slightly more than the paternal side of the family.

Myth No 2. Wearing hats cause hair loss. This is total codswallop and it's most likely an idea that was born in the military. Young men in the service had to wear hats and eventually showed of thinning hair or going bald. But the age that young men enter the military is also the age that male pattern hair loss usually begins.

Myth No 3. Male Pattern Baldness can be improved or prevented from a good nutritious diet. Unfortunately the foods you choose to eat have no bearing on the number of hairs on your head. That's not to say that certain nutritional deficiencies can't cause hair loss. For example iron, or iodine deficiencies.

Myth No 4. Circulation. Poor circulation around the hair follicle is often blamed for hair loss. However, experiments have proven that an increase in blood flow does not grow hair.

Myth No 5. Mites. This is a relatively new myth, but it's totally ridiculous, especially given that homeless people and those living in third world countries generally have full heads of hair. Mites and organisms do dwell on the scalp, but they do not east hair or cause loss baldness in any way.

Myth No 6. Stress Causes Hair Loss. Experts have never indicated that the most common form of baldness is linked in any way with emotional stress. Stress can, however, be the cause of alopecia, an autoimmune disease that causes hair loss in circular patches.

Myth No 7. Massage can stimulate hair growth. This is quite the opposite in fact, as vigorous massage can cause hair to break easily.

Myth No 8. Bald men are sexier and better lovers. Sorry bald men, but it's not your amazing testosterone levels that cause hair loss, but rather DHT, a testosterone derivative that causes hair follicles to shut down.

Myth No 9. Rubbing Marmite on your scalp promotes hair growth. No, no, no!

I hope this has helped you in answering your question...
Under normal conditions, our bodies change as we age. Men and women age differently. Estrogen and testosterone levels rise and fall in both sexes. Once a woman enters menopause, her estrogen levels drop dramatically, increasing her testosterone levels. As men age, there testosterone levels drop and their estrogen levels increase. Enzymes in the body act on the testosterone to form DHT. As the level of DHT increases, the hair follicles shrink. When they shrink enough, the blood flow is cut off, and they are unable to produce and push a new hair through the restricted follicle. As old hair dies, it is not replaced.

As aging cannot be stopped, the obvious solution is to control the DHT levels in the body, and increase blood flow to the affected area.


As treatments vary widely, it is extremely important to determine what the causes of the hair loss may be.

Hair transplants may provide some relief, however, at $5-$6 per hair, one could spend upwards of $10,000 and the follicles could still be dead.

There are a multitude of creams, ointments and pills available to try, Everyone is different and what works for one may not necessarily work for another. The compound Minoxidil has shown amazing results in men and women. But as all chemical preparations, there are side effects which may be less desirable. Some women report hair growth in areas where it is not desired, such as the arms and the back. Natural remedies are available as well. Most of these include essential oils, concentrated oils from specific plants. Most natural remedies contain varying quantities of Nettle, Bay, and Saw Palmetto. In early stages, shampoos with herbal ingredients may prove useful.

Results for people using the leading chemical based products are inconsistent. Provillus, on the other hand, has enjoyed consistently positive results by utilizing proven natural substances like Saw Palmetto, Vitamin B-6, Magnesium and Zinc to attack hair loss from all angles.

Provillus is a very good example of this method of hair loss treatment. It is a combination of topical and oral supplements that work to block DHT. The topical treatment works to stimulate the scalp and bring dead follicles back to life. One may use Provillus as a preventative tool, starting the program either when the problem becomes more severe, or after DHT has already begun to take hold of your head and scalp.

The makers of Provillus are so sure your hair loss will be reversed. To insure your satisfaction, when you order Provillus, it comes with a money back guarantee, and a free 60 day supply. As with most hair loss products, the makers recommend patience, as it may take 3-6 months to see a difference. However, if you are not pleased with the results, you have six months to return it for a full refund.
you can find your answer here in>
I read bout this some where .. i think try this link below . it is talking bout the same topic
is you have high testosterone you have hair loss in the head
  • eye cream
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