Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Hair loss!How do I prevent it and how do I make it grow back.?

I'm an 18 year old male.I saw a dermatologist and he said I have male pattern baldness.I don't believe that only 2 people have lost their hair in my family and its my uncles on my moms side.I don't want to take propecia or Rogaine.The dermatologist and my usual doctor didn't even give me a thyroid or blood test.So how can they know just by looking at my hair and knowing that 2 people in my gigantic family that I have male pattern baldness.They said I could either take Propecia and Rogaine or get a hair transplant or just watch my hair fallout.I think its best that I start eating healthy and stop eating all junk food including sodas and trying out All Natural and Organic Shampoo and expose my hair more to sunlight and excercise and massasing my scalp 5 minutes a day.Hair loss!How do I prevent it and how do I make it grow back.?
You can got to another doctor to get a second opinion and since you are the patient you can ask them to perform those tests. Did they even take a family history? If they did not, I would suggest looking for another doctor.

By the way, some of us woman think bald is sexy!Hair loss!How do I prevent it and how do I make it grow back.?
Theres a brand of shampoo and conditioner called Nioxin, that are supposed to be really good for hair loss, we learned a lot about them in cosmetology school. You can go to their website to learn more about them, its
MPB is a done deal.


More important things in life to worry about.

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