Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Do hair loss prevention shampoos really work?

If so, what is the effect, just a gradual slowing down of hair loss, or do hairs actually grow back? Or is all a load of nonsense just to make money out of desperate people? :)Do hair loss prevention shampoos really work?
Hi Paul,

There are only two FDA approved medications available for treating baldness, Minoxidil and Propecia.

Minoxidil is commercially known in the UK as Regaine, and Rogaine in the US and is considered the only medication available in the UK without prescription that actually works.

For Propecia (also known as Finasteride), you will need a prescription from your doctor.

So, to summarise, unless the treatment you are using contains either Minoxidil or Propecia, you are probably wasting your money.Do hair loss prevention shampoos really work?
ahhhhhhhhh hahahahaha bbbbbaaaaallllddddddyyyyyyyy
its a load of rubbish, keep your hair short, and get on with life , most girls love it short anyway........................
My symapthies! I used to lose hair seemingly by the handful in my early 20's. With good care, loss may be slowed, but I don't think it can naturally be reversed. May just be in the genes.
No, they do not grow back hair if you have male pattern baldness (androgenetic alopecia) You have to study lots of info and spend many hrs online to understand how many scams are out there. So I suggest you join a hair loss forum and carefully study posts of the most active mebers and follow their success and the products they use. Only things that do grow back some hair is rogaine and propecia, but propecia can have nasty side effects.

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