Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Do hair loss during tb treatment and when can hair starts to grow during treatment or after treatment?

i have tb but it is not so effective . i am losing so much of hair . my treatment started with four substances , now i am taking only 2 substances . i should take it still for 4 months . would my hair starts to grow while my treatment goes on . do any hair tablets will help me in growing my hair. please suggest me in this matter .Do hair loss during tb treatment and when can hair starts to grow during treatment or after treatment?
I think if hair loss occurs in the treatment of the tb it would be not permanant as Stressors to your system, such as illness, high fever, pregnancy, extreme weight loss or gain, and drug use, can cause temporary hair loss. This occurs when the ratio of growing to resting hairs is upset and more of the growing hair shifts into a resting phase. A greater quantity of normally sleeping hairs falls out, prompting a visit to the dermatologist. This type of hair loss is temporary and full regrowth should be expected. Do hair loss during tb treatment and when can hair starts to grow during treatment or after treatment?
In treatment of TB, certain medications are potential triggers for hair loss due to the fact that medications and the illness both causes stress to your body. As your hair follicles requires nutrients and energy from your body, stressing it with foreign medications can in fact induce certain levels of hair loss. This condition can be classified as Telogen Effluvium which will last as long of the medications are taken.

However upon recovery, it is also common for the hair that you lost to grow back after 3-6 months.
Been on minoxidil ( R0gaine) for about a year and a half and have not seen even the smallest amount of regrowth that i almost fell into depression.

My hair only started visibly growing on the balding spot after attempting the various natural techniques to re-grow lost hair for about 1 week plus @ http://www.regrowmyhair.info

I would highly recommend the website easy to follow step-by-step guide with images to anyone who is suffering from hair loss right now. But remember this isn't a miracle cure for baldness as you will also need to put in some effort in order to see results. And its only a minimum commitment of 15 minutes a day to help re-grow your lost hair.

I am also convinced that the natural approach is much more safer and effective way of re-growing lost hair compared to those unnatural ways which may involve harsh chemicals that may have side effects.

Side Effects Of Minoxidil : Cause a fall in blood pressure, an increase in the heart rate, and weight gain (fluid retention)

***** Sorry that I can't share the various techniques taught as i might be sued for copyright violation.

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