Wednesday, February 8, 2012

What can I use to clean loose hair that adheres to surfaces in the is unaware of hair loss.?

80 year young silver-hair mother is losing alot of hair,and it seems to be all in the kitchen area. Whenever I am to cook or clean, I am always trying to remove short and fine silver-colored hair strands from my hands and objects.I am desperate to find out a solution.Please do not suggest Mother stays out of HER kitchen. Mom will get offended. I have suggested that she brush her beautiful silver hair,more often.Maybe this would help in removing the strands that are going to fall from her head to begin with. When I am not around to remind her,she will not do. On the other hand, mom insists that I am too bossy.As much as I am not. My mother is a very stubborn person. But that is another topic. Please help me. I feel like I have swallowed a strand or two.What can I use to clean loose hair that adheres to surfaces in the is unaware of hair loss.?
The answer you received from Munya Carr was very sweet speaking as someone who had a very serious disease that caused my hair to fall out, too. A tip my very sensitive husband gives me is to keep bounce or other dryer lint removing toss-in type cloths handy. They keep hair from sticking to surfaces and your hands as well. You can use them to wipe countertops and the hair is attracted to them comes off easily on the dryer tab. They leave a nice smell on your hands, too.

Hmm, someone bought me some rather nice head scarves about that time, too.What can I use to clean loose hair that adheres to surfaces in the is unaware of hair loss.?
try building up a static charge on a balloon and then using it to pick up the hairs.
You'll probably hear this answer a lot: ';DOES SHE HAVE A MEDICAL CONDITION? TAKE HER TO THE DR!';

Here's my answer:

Does mom live with you? I take it she does. When my mom was getting chemo for colon cancer, I stayed with her during the week. Her hair would fall out (not in clumps, but just like you said, it was everywhere!) And she'd cry if anyone mentioned it (what woman wants to hear that her hair is falling out? RIGHT!). So I would style her hair everyday for her. This meant it got a regular combing (gently, tho!) and I wouldn't let her see the hair strands in the comb.

And I'd wash it every other day for her, too, same thing.

She never ever knew the reason behind it. And she's better now, thank you.
That is a dilemma to have with one's own mother!

You could try keeping a damp cloth to wipe things down: If nothing else, it will collect the hair, rather than just push it around.

Good luck!
If she's losing her hair, she's losing her hair. Brushing it isn't going to keep it from falling out while in the kitchen.

Perhaps you are noticing it sticking to more things in the kitchen due to how oils from cooking can build up on different items and make them sticky. Even if the oil layer is not thick, it will settle on everything as the small droplets of oil permeate the air of the kitchen. This will make the hairs more likely to stick to stuff as they come off of your mother's head.

Perhaps, then, the solution is going through the kitchen periodically and giving it a good rinse/cleaning.

I hope that proves to offer a potential solution to the problem.

Good luck!
1. Mothers are always right! :-)

2. Do you want to make her aware how much hair she loses?

2.a. yes: clean before you cook and show her the amount of hair you got out of her kitchen. Ask her, what she thinks she could do to reduce this issue. She will come up with something the moment she sees the problem. If she thinks that the amount of hair you are removing from her kitchen is normal you have no choice but to accept her judgement.

2.b. no: Clean the kitchen whenever you are there and always remind her, that her hair needs the extra brushing. If playing towards her vanity does not work, you are out of luck.
You can see if she'd be willing to wear a hairnet or shower cap when she's in the kitchen. If you can't get her to agree to that, Swiffer dusters work great! Ask her to run one of those over all the kitchen counters before cooking.

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