Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Our white boxer moults all year round, it's very annoying as it is a lot of hair loss?

If I were to let him roam the house, I would need to vacuum twice a day to get rid of the hair all over the floor, he has a good thick coat. Any ideas how to stop this? He has always been like this, he is nearly eight years old.Our white boxer moults all year round, it's very annoying as it is a lot of hair loss?
No real way to stop it.

Good diet can slow it down. A rubber type curry brushing once a day can help and I've heard good things about the Furminator...

I actually think that short coated dogs shed more than my longer double coated dogs who merely shed seasonally.Our white boxer moults all year round, it's very annoying as it is a lot of hair loss?
Yep they shed all year round. I use a rubber 'brush' which helps. Mine loves being brushed. I just slide it over my hand and use it just like when I pet him. Its funny, when he gets a bath its like having two dogs in the tub! LOL Im surprised he isnt bald yet. But no there really isnt too much you can do about it.
I have a boxer with the same problem, I learnt to love it!

I ripped up my carpet and put down vinyl, I put a mat in the lounge room for him to sit on to keep him of my lounge. There are ways around everything!
There is no way to stop it.

Brush the dog more often, feed a high quality food, get a Dyson and don't wear a lot of black.
Use the Furminator on him once or twice a week. You might need to do it for a couple of days in a row to start just to get all the dead hair.
there is no way to stop it you can take him to a groomer once a month and have them bathe and do a total ';blowout';

But then you need to brush him everyday ( a curry brush is best for teh boxer and a lot of short hair breeds) The color doesn't matter my sister has a fawn, a white and abrindle and they all shed.

Dogs shed.

Those known not to shed do but they need constant grooming more than just brushing like the boxer.
get one of those de-shedding grooming tools and you can try one of those de-shedding treats. they stop your dog from shedding. you can get those at petsmart.
Try having him profesionally groomed It wont stop it but should help . Boxers shed alot and white boxers more than most normal colored boxers
I have a Boxer and he does the same exact thing.

I bought one of those rubber brushes.

I brush him with a regular bristle brush and then I go back over him with the rubber brush. It helps pick up the hair.

There are omega 3 suppliments that you can get at the vet that are supposed to help with shedding.

Good luck...I wish I knew more b.c I am in the same boat as you.

My vet reccomended I try this product>

It is by Kong its called Zoom Groom. He used it on my pup when we went to the vet and it worked amazing.
Boxers shed, the only thing you can do is brush every day to help make shedding less.

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