Saturday, February 11, 2012

Is There Any Ayurvedic, Chinese or Alternative Medical Treatment For Hair Loss?

I am in my mid 20s and my hair has started falling out. Is there any ayurvedic, chinese, herbal or general alternative medical treatment for hair loss?

ThanksIs There Any Ayurvedic, Chinese or Alternative Medical Treatment For Hair Loss?
YES, the only one known is called the Segals Solutions Program - The only sure shot way is to strengthen the Hair-Root.

It's perhaps the only known dedicated NATURAL solution to this problem in India. It's thorough, it's professional and doesn't contain any harmful chemicals, no sulfates, no salts; only unique botanicals, proven herbs, anti-oxidants, vitamins and minerals. Go for their specially prepared Advanced Hair Supplement and Advanced Scalp Formula. They work wonders and ur hairfall is arrested in 45 days, whatever be the cause. Their ingredients are their strength. Study on their site

If u find any product with similar ingredients, don't hesitate to go for it. Specially, look for Saw Palmetto, a herb that prevents hairloss and promotes health from hair-root. It's proven by research and clinical trials. They guarantee you results.

Don't go for any allopathic medication as somebody has suggested. They will prescribe u harmful drugs like Minoxidil and Finasteride that will have severe side-effects. You may seek an opinion about the Segals Solutions from The Revital Trichology Clinic in Mumbai or from Segals Solutions India officeIs There Any Ayurvedic, Chinese or Alternative Medical Treatment For Hair Loss?
I think rosewood oil and cedar wood oil mixed into the scalp will help also find homeopathic sulfur and silica if you can. We have found these to be the best for patients who under went chemo and lost their hair as well as men with hair loss. frankincense oil works well too.

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To begin with, the most useful measure of any hair loss treatment may be found via the published scientific literature. The reason for this has to do with the strictly objective nature inherent in this body of work.

However, let us step back a bit and consider the strengths and weaknesses of the options currently available to treat pattern hair loss.

The first option is to do nothing and simply let nature take its course. The advantage here is that you are letting nature take its course. The disadvantage here is that you are also letting nature take its course.

The second option is artificial hair replacement. Some people call these hair systems, or hair additions, or hair extensions. The thing they all have in common is that they are non-growing prosthesis that are applied in some fashion to the scalp. The advantages of this methodology have to do with the instant gratification that comes from suddenly having the appearance of much more hair. Unfortunately, because the hair is non living (not growing out of the person's scalp) it deteriorates fairly quickly and must be serviced regularly in order to maintain some semblence of aesthetic utility.

In other words, the hair unit typically requires regular and expensive maintenance to keep it looking good. And the hard anterior leading edge (hair line) is also generally a dead giveaway that the hair is not real but an artificial prosthetic. More disturbingly, to greater or lesser degrees, hair pieces generally tend to cause further hair loss due to a phenomenon called traction alopecia. Basically, traction alopecia is the result of the artificial hair unit's pulling and rubbing on the underlying scalp hair. This is because the living scalp hair is under constant tension from the artificial hair piece which adheres to the scalp.

The next option is surgical hair restoration or hair transplantation. Here, living growing hair follicles are transplanted from the rear of the scalp to the frontal thinning areas. The advantage of this approach has to do with the permanent growing hair that results. In the proper surgical hands, and with an acceptable amount of donor area, remarkable restoration results can be achieved.

There are several inherent disadvantages to surgical hair restoration. The first has to do with the highly variable degree of artistic skill found from one surgeon to the next. In less than highly artistic surgical hands, a hair transplant can be one of the most aesthetically displeasing, as well as one of the most permanent, mistakes any person can bring upon themselves.

There are few things more dysaesthetic than a bad hair transplant. Other issues relate to the limitations inherent in harvesting hair bearing tissue from a limited donor resource. When one runs out of donor hair one cannot simply ';borrow'; hair bearing tissue from one's brother or uncle or friend. Hair transplantation is, in fact, more accurately described as skin transplantation. The donor skin contains hair follicles but because it is skin, the tissue is particularly unsuited to transplantation from one person to another. So when you're out of donor you're out of hair and you're also out of luck.

Another option is medical treatment. There are currently two primary drugs that have been approved for the treatment of pattern hair loss. The first is minoxidil. Minoxidil, AKA Rogaine鈩? was originally developed as a blood pressure medication. It's use in hair loss came about by a fortuitous accident. It was observed that patients being treated with oral minoxidil often manifested an unusual level of hair growth across the face and scalp. When the drug was applied topically the hair growth was localized to the scalp. However, it was also found that the results of topical minoxidil usage were often quite limited and did not seem to benefit the anterior or hairline region of hair loss.

The second drug approved for use against pattern hair loss is finasteride AKA Propecia鈩? Unlike minoxidil, finasteride is administered orally and works systemically. However, because finasteride is thought to work by modifying the androgen hormone testosterone from converting to dihydrotestosterone, this drug comes with potential serious side effects and is not indicated for use in women.

This brings us to the naturally-derived treatment choices.

As you may already realize, many drugs in widespread use were originally derived from naturally occurring substances. For example, common Aspirin contains the active ingredient acetlysalicylic acid, (ASA). ASA is a synthetically produced compound derived from the naturally occurring salicin, found in the bark of the Willow tree.

Aside from the common approach of synthesizing drugs from organic molecules, another strategy has been to isolate naturally occurring active substances themselves for use in the treatment of various disorders. The advantages associated with such an approach ar
well i live in China now, but it isn't a Chinese therapy...i myself am suffering from the same problem and this is what i was advised by the doctors...

the first thing that you should remember is that it takes quite some time for the hair to regrow from the aloepic area. you should control the hair fall first and then think about the regrowth. to stop hair fall u need to follow these few simple things :

a. have 15 soybeans everyday (not the chunks but the beans soaked in water) as it has a particular enzyme blocker which prevents hair fall.

b. you must not wash your hair with steamed water, or even luke warm water.

c. wash your hair and scalp with ordinary water at room temperature (if the local water is not hard water) or boil the water at night, then cool it over night and strain the water in the morning using a stainer and use it to wash your hair in the morning.

d. do not shampoo more than 3 times a week and use a mild shampoo.

e. you need to massage your scalp every night before you go to sleep. use your fingertips for this purpose. the massage should be in a circular pattern in a clockwise direction for 3 times followed by another 3 times in the anti-clockwise direction, this will ensure increased blood supply and will help in the regrowth.
One of my golfing buddies recently had an issue with hair loss. After several types of herbal, over the counter remedies, and who knows what from the internet, he finally decided to visit a hair loss clinic. Initially he was scared to go becasue he was scared it would cost too much, but he learned a lot from the consultations. After 6 months he is finally starting to regrow some hair. Sorry I don't know more about his treatment, but maybe you could call a local clinic.
There is a herbal product of Propecia from HLCC.

According to feedback it seems to be a good product.

See my source for more information and a review.
I think Theodis is also referring to the Segals Solutions treatment. As of now, nothing else is known that will cure you of your hairloss problem, without side-effects
mix two oils - roghan bazahe-murg and roghan amla khas oil.....

and massage it

can also take one capsule ';Kaishav';

Simple home remedy is to wash your hair with BUttermilk.
I sympahise with your condition, especially when you are only in your 20s. I guess...firstly you should avoid salty food. Trust me. Salts make your hair drop
ya sure. u can see the site there u can find all the alternative medicines and effects. u choose the best one at there and u can also find the doctors r clinics in ur place its self.
To get your hairloss stopped, go for the BEST - Segals Solutions Thinning %26amp; Hairloss Program. Guaranteed
Have you tried those hair sprays that supposedly regenerate your hair?

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