Saturday, February 11, 2012

Hiding hair loss by getting a tattoo on the scalp, a bad idea?

My friend wants me to take him tomorrow to get a tattoo on his scalp to hide his increasing hair loss at the front center of his head. I think he will only look and feel worse when he loses more hair. I've read also that they can fade into a weird blue-green over time. Other than that, what advice can I give him? He's rather upset and I don't know much about hair loss.Hiding hair loss by getting a tattoo on the scalp, a bad idea?
Uhh...first off, does he have any idea how bad a tattoo on his scalp will hurt?

Second, if he wants it to be ';black'; it will turn greenish.

I'd tell him to stop being irrational and either deal with it, or shave his head.Hiding hair loss by getting a tattoo on the scalp, a bad idea?
I think it would be a mistake to have that done. Alot of women like men with shaved heads. He doesnt need to do the comb over either. A tattoo is only going to draw attention to something that is bothering him. Women are drawn to confidence in a man. Hair isnt the most important thing that I look for.
Pls don't do it
thats is wierd and not a great idea. maybe he should just buy a tupay or accept his hairloss - a tattoo wont hide it but draw attention to it and he will regret it - can u imagine a 70yr old man with a tatooed head? plus it will hurt like F***
If you really are his friend,Pls dont let him get that done.
No!! please try and convince him not to do it!! What happens when he's older and his hair turns grey or if his hairline receeds further..he'll be even more upset.
its his life man!!! you can only advise...

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