Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Can straightening or too much conditioning cause hair loss?

Okay so I'm 16 years old and I've been straightening my hair for about a year now and this past month I've noticed that I'm losing a lot of my hair. Especially my bangs, which I straighten most often. But also in this past month I have been using a lot less shampoo when I shower and a TON of conditioner. I don't know if that has anything to do with it or not either. Can either of those things have to do with my hair loss. And what can I do to help it?Can straightening or too much conditioning cause hair loss?
conditioner can't damage your hair.

your straightener is probably killing your hair!

1. Use heat protectant- John Frieda is good

2. Lower the heat temperature if possible on your straightener so it doesnt burn/fry your hair

3. Straighten less. Try to find a cute look that would fit your natural hair texture. If you have wavy hair, scrunch it or give it beachy waves!Can straightening or too much conditioning cause hair loss?
It's not the's your straightener. Do you use any heat protector on it before applying the flat iron? If you don't I would recommend that you do as it will ';soften the blow'; to damaging your hair. Keep conditioning your hair though!

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